What We Are All About
St. Lawrence Youth Association is a non-profit charitable organization, primarily funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. SLYA works with young persons in conflict with the law and young persons who are charged with an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada who are between the ages of twelve and seventeen when they commit the offence.
SLYA'S Vision
Every Youth we work with exits SLYA programs feeling confident, supported and prepared to succeed, resulting in no recidivism.
The Oxford definition of recidivism: a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behaviour, especially relapse into criminal behaviour.
Our Mission Statement
SLYA provides restorative and preventative youth justice programs that are responsive and individualized to help youth grow as confident, capable and successful individuals.

Our Programs
Explore our programs making a difference in the lives of youth across the Kingston area.
Intensive Support and Supervision
Youth Justice Family Worker Program
Specialized Treatment Program
SLYA Land Acknowledgement
St. Lawrence Youth Association honours and celebrates these traditional lands as a gathering place of the Original Peoples and their Ancestors. We recognize the longer history of these territories that predates the establishment of the European Colonies.
We recognize since time immemorial the roots of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee in these territories and the significant contribution of all Metis and First Peoples from the Nations across Turtle Island that have been and are here today.